Vulgâris, & hoc vulgâre. pen. prod. Cic.Vulgar: common: much vsed: belonging to the common people: vile: base.
Vulgo, vulgas, vulgâre. Virg.To publishe: to make common: to set abrode: to noyse: to bruite.Vulgari facinus per omnes velim.Liu.In magis aliquid vulgare. Tac. In talke to publish the thing to be greater, than it is.Famam vulgare.Liu.To spread abrode the fame.Laudem vulgare.Liu.Librum vulgare. Quint. To publish or set forth a booke.Ministeria que inuicem ac contagio ipsa vulgabant morbos.Liu.The serning one of an other, and the infectiousnesse did spreade and multiplie diseases.Contagium morbi etiam in alios vulgatum est. Curt. The contagiousnesse of the disease infected other.Rem non vulgabat. P. Virginius. Liu.Vulgatur deinde rumor duas deesse tabulas.Liu.There is a rumour spread.Nónne hoc vestra voce vulgatum est? Ci.Was not this published by you: Vulgare corpus suum dicitur meritrix. Plau. To abandon hit selfe to the filthie imbracings of al men.Vulgato corpore mulier.Liu.A common strnmpet. Vulgare concubitus plebis & Patrum.Liu.To mixe noble bloud, and commoners togither in mariage.Vulgari cum priuatis dicitur Magistratus.Liu.When he debaseth himselfe to the familiatitie of the inferior sort.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
vulgāris (volg-), e (ante- and postclass. collat. form vulgārius, a, um, Afran., Nov., and Turp. ap. Non. p. 488, 26 sq.; Gell. 1, 22, 2; 3, 16, 18; 12, 10, 6; 16, 5, 1), adj. [vulgus], of or belonging to the great mass or multitude, general, usual, ordinary, every-day, common, commonplace, vulgar (freq. and class.): in omni arte, cujus usus vulgaris communisque non sit, Cic. Fin. 3, 1, 3: in communi vitā et vulgari hominum consuetudine, id. de Or. 1, 58, 248: vulgaris popularisque sensus, id. ib. 1, 23, 108: liberalitas, i. e.
exlended to all
, id. Off. 1, 16, 52: vulgaria et obsoleta sunt, id. Quint. 18, 56: vulgari et pervagatā declamatione contendere, id. Planc. 19, 47; cf.: ut pervagatum et vulgare videatur, id. Or. 57, 195: nihil tam vile neque tam vulgare est, cujus, etc., id. Rosc. Am. 26, 71: commendatio, id. Fam. 1, 3, 2: opinio, id. de Or. 1, 23, 109: artes, id. Rosc. Am. 46, 134: jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit, Hor. S. 2, 2, 38: coetus vulgares spernere, id. C. 3, 2, 23: prostratas arbores restitui ... vulgare est,
is a common thing
, Plin. 16, 31, 57, 131; 14, 19, 24, 120: vocabula, Quint. 1, 1, 34: verba, id. 10 1, 9, No comp. or sup. — vulgā-rĭter, after the ordinary or common manner, commonly, vulgarly (very rare): non vulgariter nec ambitiose scribere, Cic. Fam. 13, 69, 1 (dub.); Plin. 8, 5, 5, 13 and 28; 28, 14, 58, 204.