Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Víl-e, adj. sup. Víl-íssimo,
1. vile, of no account, despicable, mean, paltry, base, wicked. Avere a —, to make no account of, to despise, to undervalue; 2. base, cowardly, fearful, timid.Vendere o comprare a — prezzo, to sell or buy very cheap. Costar —, to be of little value. Far —, to vilify. Prendere a —, to despise, disdain; adv. Víl-ménte, sup. Víl-issimaménte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
vile: vile, base, abiect, to be scorned, cont emptible, of no worth or value, of little price, dogge-cheape. Also crauen, baseminded or faint-hearted.