Vertîgo, p pr. vertíginis. f. g. Pli. A whirling or turning round.Moli vertigine membra rotare, Claud.Rerum vertigine attonitus. Luc. Astonied with the chaunge of things.Vertigo cæli. Plin. The rounde course of celesriasl vodies.Torta vertigo, Vide TORQVEO. Vertigo. Plin A diseale cansing a giddinesse of the heade, with a dimnesss of the slght, so that one is readie to fall downe withall. quum am vertigine rectum Ambulat. & geminis exsurgit mensa locernis. Inuen. When that through dronkennesse the honse seemeth to go rounde, and two candles to be on the table, where is but one.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
vertīgĭno, āre, v. n. [vertigo], to whirl round, revolve: puncta luminis, Tert. Pall. 3.