Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vérm-e, s. m. dim. Vérm-étto, Vérm-iccéllo, Vérm-icciólo,Vérm-icciuólo , Vérm-icciolúzzo,
1. a worm. — di seta, a silk-worm; 2. maggot, mite. — solitario, the tape-worm; 3. (fig.) the human body; 4. care, anxiety. Avere il —, to be in love. Amorosi vermi, the cares of love; 5. the worm of a screw. — muro, the bots.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
verme: or Vermo, any kind of worme or vermine. Also a disease in a Horse called the bots. Also the worme or winding of any skrew.