Ver, veris. n g. The spring time.Ver in tres partes diuiditur. Nouum, adultum, & præceps, vide ADVLTVS. The beginning, the middle, the ende.Primo vere. Plin. At the beginning of the spring.Vere nouo, Idem.Virg.Nubiferi veris inconstantia. Lucan. Veris initium.Cic. Aquosum ver.Stat. Floricomum. Auienus. Benignum. Sen. Floriferum. Auson. Breue.Ouid. Imbriferum. Virg.Comans.Virg. Iucundum. Catul. Nidificum Sen.Wherein birdes make their nestes.Nimbosum.Iuuen.Odoriferum.Virg. Placidum. Virg.Purpureum.Virg.Bringing foorth store of faire purple flowers.Tepidi veris tempora.Ouid. Sudum. Virgil. Vdo vere madent terræ.Virg. Adolescit ver. Tac. Spring time groweth toward an end.Ver agebat orbis. Virgil. Appetit ver. Cato. Is at hand.Incipit ver.Cic.Beginneth.Ineunte vere. Ci. At the beginning of spring.Madidum ver incipit.Iuuen.Rubens ver. Virgil. The spring bringing foorth faire redde flowers.Tepens.Ouid.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
vēr, vēris (abl. veri, Col. 10, 129), n. [Gr. e)/ar, h)=r, i. e. vhr], the spring.I.Lit., Varr. L. L. 6, 9 Müll.; id. R. R. 1, 28, 1; Plaut. Truc. 2, 4, 2; Lucr. 5, 737; Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 10, 27; id. Lael. 19, 70: vere novo, Verg. G. 1, 43; Hor. C. 1, 4, 1; 4, 7, 9; 4, 12, 1: primo vere,
at the beginning of spring
, Cato, R. R. 50; Hor. C. 3, 7, 2.—Prov.: vere prius flores, aestu numerabis aristas, Ov. Tr. 4, 1, 57.—II.Transf., the productions of spring: cum breve Cecropiae ver populantur apes, Mart. 9, 14, 2.—So esp. freq., ver sacrum, a special offering presented from the firstlings of spring, which it was customary to vow in critical circumstances: ver sacrum vovendi mos fuit Italis. Magnis enim periculis adducti vovebant, quaecumque proximo vere nata essent apud se animalia immolaturos, etc., Fest. p. 379 Müll.; cf. id. s. v. Mamertini, p. 158; id. s. v Sacrani, p. 321; Sisenn. ap. Non. 522, 17: ver sacrum vovendum, si bellatum prospere esset, etc., Liv. 22, 9, 10; cf. the votive formula, id. 22, 10, 2; so id. 33, 44, 1; 34, 44, 1 sqq. Weissenb. ad loc.; Just. 24, 4, 1.—II.Trop., the spring-time of life, youth (poet.): jucundum cum aetas florida ver ageret, Cat. 68, 16; Ov. M. 10, 85.