Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Voltáre, v. a. & n.
1. to turn, roll; 2. to change;3. to roll, to wallow, to tumble; 4. to wane, to decrease; 5. to change or alter one's mind; 6. — mantello, (fig.) to become a turn-coat, to pass over from one side to the other. — le punte ad alcuno, to make head against one, to show him one's teeth; 7. (comm. t.) to transfer an item from one account to another; 8. to treat, to manage. — bandiera, to change one's opinion or party. — la briglia, to turn back. — faccia,to face about. — l'Arno in sù, to attempt impossibilities;9. to translate, turn from one language into another; v. r. — a fare una cosa,to set about doing a thing. — in fuga, to take to flight. — le spalle, le calcagna, to turn one's back, to take to one's heels.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
voltare: to turne any way, to reuolt, as Vólgere. Also to build arch-wise or vault-wise, to enarch or embow, it is properly to turne ones face.