Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vól-gere, v. a. (volg-o, Vól-i, Vól-e, pass. vol-si, Vól-se,Vól-sero , part. Vól-to,)
1. to turn, go towards. — i passi verso qualche luogo, to go towards some place. — il pensiero a qualche cosa, to turn or bend one's thoughts to any thing. — le spalle, to run away, to take to one's heels; 2. to persuade, dissuade, divert from, to cause to change one's design, plan; 3. to turn towards, address, direct; 4. to give another turn or interpretation to. — in mal senso, to interpret ill, put a bad construction on; 5. to govern, rule, direct, dispose; 6. to roll up, fold, twist or entangle together; 7. to cause to turn or move round. — un molino, to turn a mill;8. to turn, move, cause to change place, remove;9. to change, overturn, alter. — l'ordine delle cose, to change the order of things; 10. to vault, arch. — un ponte, to make the arches of a bridge; 11. to reflect upon, consider, revolve; 12. to surround. — i danari sul banco, to place money out at interest. — il desio, to excite the wish or desire. — il pensiero, to reflect upon. — in basso, to ruin. — le reni ad alcuno, to abandon a person to himself. — sottosopra, to turn upside down. — tra se, to meditate upon; v. n. 1. to traverse, cross; 2. to slip away, run or glide away; 3. to incline to. Questo fiore volge al turchino, this flower inclines to blue; v. r. 1. to discharge one's self upon, fall upon; 2. to change (as the wind). — ad ogni vento, to be fickle, inconstant. Il tempo si volge al freddo,the weather is turning cold; 3. to have a liking or affection for any one. — ad uno, to go over to or side with a person; 4. to turn, grow acid or sour. Il vino comincia a —, the wine begins to turn; s. m. Vól-gitóre, f. Vól-gitríce;adj. Vól-génte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
volgere: or vólto, to turne, to wind, to turne oner, or in and out, to wry, to wrest, to bend, to runne roand as a riuer doth. Also to enuolue, to folde, to wrap or rowle vp. Also to connert or transforme, to reuolt. Also to encline, to addict or bend vnto. Also to turne to ward. Also to reuolue, to think or cast in the minde. Also to arch, to enarch or embow.