1. to will, to be willing, to please, to be pleased, to have a mind. Se voi volete, if you will, if you please. Voglio che sia così, I will have it so. Fatelo quando volete, do it when you please, or when you have a mind. Io non voglio, I will not. Io vo'che sappi, I will have you know. Non dir più così, voglitene venir meco, say no more, but come along with me. Iddio lo voglia, God grant it. Iddio non voglia, God forbid; 2. to wish. Vorrei che,I would, I wish that. Che volete? what would you have? Non sa quel si voglia, he does not know his own mind; 3. must. L'ulivo non vuol esser tagliato, the olive-tree must not be cut; 4. to think, to be of opinion or mind.Altri vogliono altrimente, some think otherwise. — bene a qualcheduno, to love one, to wishone well, to be one's hearty friend. — male ad uno, to hate a person. — dire, to mean, to signify. Che vuol dir ciò? what does that mean? Ciò vuol dire tal cosa, that signifies such a thing; 5. to be fit, convenient, or necessary.Chi ha a fare con Tosco, non vuol esser losco, who has to deal with the Tuscans must be cunning. — piovere, to look like rain. Il pane non vorrebbe passar il giorno, bread ought to be of one day's baking; 6. (gram. t.)to govern. Amare vuol l'accusativo, the verb “to love” governs the accusative case. — la gatta, to be in earnest. Non — la gatta, to be in jest. Chi non può quel che vuol, quel che può voglia, they who cannot as they will, must will as they may. — la con uno, to have a design upon a person. Sià come si voglia, be as it will, however it be, however; 7. to be. O vuoi di seta o di lana, to be of silk or worsted;8. to ask for; 9. to expect. A — che, in order that. A un —, unanimously.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
volere: or v`, vólli or vólsi, volúto, to will, tominde, to meane, to intend. Also to desire or require. Also to beare a will vnto. Also a wil, a minde, a meaning or desire.