Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Úno, art. & s. m. una, f. pl. uni, une,
1. one, a, an. —, due, tre, one, two, three. — a —,one by one. Esserci per —, to count for one. In —, together. Recare —, mettere in —,to bring or put together; 2. the same.Ad un'ora avea piacere e noja nell'animo, at the same time he was pleased and displeased. Ad una voce, unanimously, with one accord. Di —, in —, successively; 3. the first,Gli uni dicono di sì, gli altri dicono di nò,some say yes, some say no. L'— e l' altro, the one and the other, both. A — a —,one after another, singly. L'un l'altro, one another, each other. S'amano l'— l'altro, they love one another or each other. Nè l'— nè l'altro, neither. Tal'—, some. È tutt'—, it is all one, it is the same or the same thing; it is no matter. L'un per l'altro, one with another. Ad un per volta, one at a time; 4. a certain. Gli venne a memoria un Ser Ciappelleto da Prato, there came into his head, a certain Mr. Ciappelleto of Prato; 5. about.Questo può valere — dieci scudi, this may be worth about ten crowns; 6. piece, head. — tanto per —, so much a piece or head.