Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vívere, v. n. (pass. vis-si, -se, -sero, part. vivuto & vissuto,)
1. to live, to be living or alive. — splendidamente, to live splendidly, magnificently. — alla grande, to live nobly. — meschinamente,to live poorly. — bene, to live well, to live in clover. — dì per dì, to live from hand to mouth. — a speranza, to live in hopes. Saper —, to be prudent; 2. to live, to lead a sort of life. — da uomo dabbene, to live like a good or honest man. — regolarmente, religiosamente, to live regularly, religiously. — male, to lead an ill life. Non sa —, he knows not how to behave himself. V' insegnerò ben io a —, I will teach you how to behave yourself; 3. to feed, live upon. Gli animali vivono d'erba, brutes feed upon grass. E se tu fai così, di che viveremo noi? and if you go on at that rate, what shall we live upon? — d'accatto, to live upon charity. — del suo,to live on one's own property. — tra due, to live in suspense. Vivi per sicuro, you may be assured, you may depend upon it.