[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: uita (data provider: donatus-sup), uitale (data provider: donatus), vita (data provider: donatus-sup), vite (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vít-a, s. f. dim. Vít-ína, aug. Vít-óna, disp. Vít-áccia,
1. life. Tor la —, to take one's life away, to kill him. Trar — or trar la —, to live. Non ho di che trarre la mia —, I have nothing to live upon. Vi va della —, life is at stake, it is death. Andare alla —, to attempt one's life. Dar la —, to give one his life, to forgive one; to charm, please, delight. Domandar la —, to beg one's life, to cry quarters; 2. life, the course of one's life. In tutta la mia — non ho vista una cosa simile, I never saw the like in all the course of my life. Chi ha tempo, ha —, while there's life there's hope. Dare a —,to give any thing for life; 3. livelihood, food.Mendicar la sua —, to beg for one's livelihood, to beg one's bread. Guadagnar la sua —, to get one's livelihood. O quanto si stenta a regger la —! oh what trouble to get a livelihood! Regger la —, to get one's livelihood;4. life, way of living. Far buona —, to live well. Far mala —, to lead a sad and painful life. Far — regolata, to lead a regular life, to live regularly. — sedentaria, a sedentary life. Menar una — solitaria, to lead a solitarylife. Passare all'altra —, to make one's exit, to die. Passare a miglior —, to make one's exit, to pass to a better life, to die; 5. one's way of living, life, course of life. Fare una bella —, to live well, to live a merry life. Abbracciare la — religiosa, to embrace a religious life. Darsi — e buon tempo, to make much of one's self, to pass away one's time merrily. Gran —, high life, fashionable life. La tua — non mi piace, I don't like your way of living; 6. life, the history of a man's life. Le vite de'santi, the lives of the saints; 7. shape, gait, carriage. Una donna di bella —, a woman of a fine shape, carriage, waist or gait. Andare in sulla —, portar bene la —, to walk gracefully. Allungar la —, to be hung. Andarne la —, to run the risk of one's life. Prestar —, to grant life. Dar — a'morti, to resuscitate the dead. Essere in —, to live. Menare di —, to die. Rimaner poca —, to be old. Spegnere alcuno di —, to kill a person. Tenere a —, to preserve alive. Uscir di —, to die; 8. air, material by which life is supported.A stretta di —, in great want. — beata, eterna, the beatitude of heaven, or paradise. — mia! my life! my dear! my soul!
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
vita: life, spirit, natur all vigour, any bodies maner of life. Also, forme, fashion, or maner of liuing. Vsed also for the stature or proportion of man or woman.