Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vín-o, s. m. dim. Vín-éllo, Vín-eréllo, Vín-ettíno, Vín-étto,Vín-úccio , Vín-úcolo,
1. wine. — bianco, white wine. — nero, red wine. Dimandar l'oste s'egli ha buon —, nobody will cry stinking fish. Il buon — fa buon sangue, good wine makes good blood. — di lecore, a very small vine. Cavare or trarre altrui il — della testa, to make one sober again, to make one know his duty. Al buon — non bisogna frasca, good wine needs no bush. — fiorito, wine at the bottom of the cask. — giovane, new wine. — aspro, harsh wine. — da famiglia, wine of little value. Mamma, madre de'vini, the lees, dregs of wine. Dare il —, to suborn. Sentire il —, to try or taste wines. Uscire il — del capo, to become sober; 2. a liquor made from oranges, apples, &c.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English