Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ve, pron. oblique case of vi, you, to you; it is prefixed to il or lo, li or gli, la, le, ne. — lo manderò domani, I'll send it to you to-morrow. — li mostrerò, I'll show them to you. — ne pentirete, you shall repent of it.
Vi, pron. 2 pers.
1. to you or you. Io — ci condurrò,I will take you there. Voi v'ingan- nate in di grosso, you are very much mistaken;2. yourself. Voi — mostrate troppo ingrato verso di me, you show yourself too ungrateful to me. Vi is prefixed to ti, si, ci, sel, se lo, se li or gli, se la, se le; and placed after il, lo, lior gli, la, le.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
ve: where? or whither? Also there, or in that place. Also there is for Viè.