[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: uista (data provider: donatus-sup), uiste (data provider: donatus-sup), vista (data provider: donatus-sup), viste (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vísta, s. f.
1. sight, eye-sight, one of the five senses. — acuta, a keen and piercing sight. Perder la —, to lose one's sight. Esser di corta —, to have a weak or dim sight, to be purblind; 2. sight, view, or eyes. Perder una cosa di —, to lose sight of a thing, to see it no more. Lettera di cambio pagabile a —, a bill of exchange payable at sight. Giudicare d'una cosa a —, to judge of a thing at first sight or view. Di, a prima —, at first sight, as soon a<*> seen. Fare una cosa a — di tutti, to do a thing in sight of all the world; 3. look, appearance, show. Questa casa è di bella —, this house looks very fine. Questo giardino fa una bella —, this garden makes a very fine show. L'oro fa una bella — sopra'l turchino, gold shows well upon blue; 4. prospect; 5. search, searching.Questa cassa non si può aprire fin che i veditori non fanno la —, this chest cannot be opened till the searchers have searched it; 6. show, pretence, appearance, outside. Far —,to make as if, to feign, pretend, affect. Fece — d'esser malato, he pretended to be sick. Non far — di nulla, to take no notice of any thing. Bastar la —, to have the courage to do any thing. Vi basterebbe la — di lasciarmi? have you the heart to leave me? could you be so cruel as to leave me? 7. vision, apparition, appearance;8. an opening, a window. Bella —,a beautiful view. Uomo di fiera —, a man of a ferocious look. Dar a —, to give without measuring. Dar di —, to guard, look after. Dar mala —, to scandalize. Leggere a prima —, to read at sight. Venire a —, to take into consideration. A — di alcuni, under the inspection of any one. A — di terra, in sight of land.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
vista: the sense of sight, or seeing of any creature. Also a sight, a looke, a view. Also a shew, a view, or prospect, a sight or spectacle of any thing. Also a presence, a semblance, or countenance, or aspect of a man. Also seene, viewed, noted, or looked.