Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Veníre, v. n. (vengo, vieni, &c., ven-iamo, -ghiamo, -ite, -gono, pass. ven-ni, -ne, -nero, fut. verrò, &c.)
1. to come, go, transport one's self;2. to agree with, be fit, proper, necessary, to suit; 3. to come, commence, begin, put the hand to; 4. to happen, fall out, succeed; 5. to become, to experience; 6. to come, come up to, approach, appear, present one's self; 7. to obtain, acquire, gain, carry off, succeed in doing;8. to smell, emit an odour, exhale; 9. to come from, be derived from, proceed from, be born, derive one's origin from; 10. to come back, return; 11. to fall. Venne in tanto dolore, che ..., he fell into such grief, that ...; 12. to fall, detach one's self; 13. to touch, regard, have respect to; 14. to grow, thrive, flourish (speaking of plants); 15. to spring, shoot forth (as corn, &c.); 16. to come upon, attack (as a disease); 17. to come to and fro; 18. to be. [NOTE.—That Venire, joined to the infinitive of verbs, and accompanied by the particle a,does not change the signification of the said verbs: thus, Venire a far una cosa, is the same as farla.] 19. to come to, cost, be valued at. Questa cosa non vien tanto, this is not worth so much; 20. to come after, succeed (speaking of time). — alle spade, to measure swords. — in bellezza, to become or grow beautiful. — in eccellenza, to arrive at perfection. — in fama, to become celebrated, famous. — per lingua, to be reported, said. — a battaglia, to come to action, to fight, to come to blows. — a bene, to turn out well, succeed, flourish, take root, grow. — a bisogno, V. bisognare. — a campo, to come to light, appear. — a capo, V. capo. — a concordia, to agree, be of the same mind. — addosso, to happen unexpectedly, to fall upon. — a dietro, to return, turn back, retrace one's steps. — a dovere, to return to one's duty, to hear reason. — alle strette, a'ferri, to come to blows, to use violent means. — a grado, to please, charm, be agreeable to. — al bisogno, to happen opportunely, seasonably. — al di sotto, to fall; (fig.) to become less, deteriorated. — all'arme, to fight, come to battle. — alle corte, to conclude, finish, make an end. — al punto, to come to the point. — a memoria, to recollect. — a morte, to die. — a noja, to be annoyed, disgusted, wearied. — a pace, to be reconciled, make peace. — a porto, to come into port, to arrive safe and sound. — a rischio, to be in danger, to run a risk. — a salvamento, to arrive safe. — a taglio, to come or arrive opportunely, in the nick of time. Ben venga,you are welcome. — cuore, to take heart, to be emboldened. — a mano, to be convenient, at hand. — desiderio, to be desirous of, to wish. — dietro, to follow. — in fantasia, to fancy, to have the wish. — in furore, to be in a rage, to be furious. — in grado, to better one's fortunes, to get into the good graces of a person. — in colera, to fall into a passion, to become enraged. — incontro, to meet with, fall in with. — innanzi, to present one's self before; to recollect. — in palese, V. palesare. — in ricchezza, to become rich. — in sentenza, to be of opinion, to judge. — la schiuma alla bocca, to foam at the mouth with rage. — per le mani, to fall into the hands of. — sopra alcuno, to attack a person. — in potere,to fall into the power of. — su, to thrive,profit. — talento or voglia, to desire, wish for. — ad effetto, to succeed, take place; to obtain. — in credenza, to believe, esteem, think. — intiero, to come to pass, be verified, realized.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
venire: to come. Also to grow, to deriue from or to spring out. Also to arriue or attaine to a place. Also to happen or come to passe.