Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vénd-ere, v. a. to sell, vend. — sotto l'asta, — alla tromba, — all'incanto, to sell by auction. — a peso o a misura, to sell by weight or measure. — a braccia, to sell by the yard. — a minuto, to sell by retail. — a ritaglio, to sell by retail. — in di grosso, to sell by wholesale. — a contanti, to sell for ready money. — pe'tempi, to sell upon trust. — caro, to sell dear. — a buon mercato, to sel. cheap. — parole, to give fair words. — altrui,to make one believe. — gatta in sacco, to sell a pig in a poke. Ne ho da —, I have enough to spare. Aver ragion da —, to be very much in the right; s. m. Vénd-itóre, f. Vénd-itríce; adj.Vénd-énte .
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
vendere: to sell or set to saile, to alienate vpon some bargaine.