Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vén-a, s. f. dim. Vén-élla, Vén-erélla, Vén-étta, Vén-úzza,
1. a vein. — cava, (anat. t.) the vena cava; 2. a spring of water. — di metalli o di pietre, a vein of metal or stones. — d'oro o d'argento,a vein of gold or silver; 3. fecundity, fruitfulness, plenty; 4. vein in timber; 5. artery; 6. genius, talent; 7. V. avena. Secca è la — dell'usato ingegno, the natural flights of wit are exhausted. — poetica, a poetical vein. Aver — d'una cosa, to have a natural disposition for a thing. Egli ha una buona — di poesia, he has a good genius for poetry. Questo vino ha una — di dolce, this wine is a little upon the sweet. Egli ha una — di pazzo, he is touched a little in his brains. Fare una cosa di —, to do a thing willingly and with alacrity. Non ho — di studiare oggi, I am not in a good humour to study to-day.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
vena: any kind of veine. Also a pulse or an artery. Also a veine of the earth. Also a veine of water, a spring or well head. Also a naturall disposition, veine or instinct of a man. Also a veine or stile of writing or spcaking. Also vsed for Auéna, Oates.