Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ved-ére, v. a. & n. (vedo, veggo & veggio, vedi, &c., vedono, veggono & veggiono, pass. vi-di,Ved-de , Ved-dero, fut. vedrò, &c., part. veduto & visto,)
1. to see; 2. to see, recognise, know, discover, comprehend, ascertain; 3. to consider, observe, pay attention, reflect, remark. Vedi, donna, tu hai fatto male, observe, woman, you have done ill. — lume, to have eyes, to possess the sense of vision. — chiaro, to have a good sight, to see clearly. — chiaro in checchessia, to see into a business, to see one's way clearly, to investigate closely. — torto, to have a bad sight, to mistake, deceive one's self. — diretto,to see correctly, in a true light. — in viso,to distinguish, see clearly, distinctly. — a faccia, to see face to face. — il bello, to see one's opportunity. — le stelle or le lucciole,to feel as if one's eyes struck fire (as from a blow), to be in great pain. — di la da' monti, to look far or deep into things, to foresee, anticipate. Dal — al non —, in the twinkling of an eye, in an instant. Dar a —, to show, cause to know; to impose upon, make a person believe. Far —, to cause to see, give sight to; to show, point out, demonstrate. Far — il nero per bianco, to make a person believe black's white. Far le viste di non —, to pretend not to see, to shut one's eyes to ... Stare a —, to be a spectator, beholder of; to be idle. Volersi — con alcuno, to wish to speak to a person; to wish to contend with one. Non — più avanti, non — ne più quà, ne più là, to be desperately, blindly in love with. Essere veduto, or visto, to appear, seem. Esser veduto d'alcun magistrato,to be made an honorary member of any body. — volentieri, to look favourably upon, to give a good reception to. Esser ben veduto,to be beloved, caressed, honoured. Esser mal veduto, to be regarded unfavourably, to be looked upon with an evil eye. Vello vello, there he is; s. m. Ved-itóre, f. Ved-itríce.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
vedere: or véggo, or véggio, vídi, or víddi, vedúto, or vísto, to see, to looke, to behold, to view. Also to note, to marke, or prie into. Also to see to, to regard, to care and prouide for. Also to aduise, to perceiue, to foresoe, to vnderstand, and consider.