Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Usá-re, v. n.
1. to be used, wont, in the habit of, to be accustomed; 2. to be familiar with, on terms of intimacy with, keep company with.— con uno, to visit or frequent a person. — con una donna, to have to do with a woman, to know a woman; v. a. 1. to use, make use of, employ. — un'espressione, to make use of an expression. — le mani, to come to blows. — misericordia, to show mercy; 2. to go or resort often to a place, haunt, frequent. — le taverne, to frequent taverns; 3. to use, waste, consume. Si usano molte legna in quella casa,they consume a great deal of wood in that house; 4. to wear out, wear off. — un abito, delle scarpe, to wear out a coat, shoes, &c.;v. r. to be in use, in fashion; s. m. Usá-tóre,f. Usá-tríce; adj. Usá-nte.