Turbo, túrbinis, pe. co. m. g. Vir. A boystrons minde beating downe trees and houses: A blustring storme.Ventorum turbo. Lucret. A whitle minde. Ater turbo. Vir. Cæcus. Sil. Puluereus. Claud. Immanis. Vir. Rapidus. Stat.Indomitus. Catul. Raucus. Claud. Intortus. Val. Fla. Sæuus. Sil. Niger. Vir. Versabundus. Lu. Id est, sese conNigrans. Sil. torquens & versans. A whitle Nimbosus.Ouid. winde. Piccus. Sil. Violentus. Lucret. Rauco turbine armatur Boreas Claud.Vndique omnes venti erumpunt, sæui existunt turbines. C. Celeri turbine fertur. Vir. Piceo turbine fumans nubes. Vir. Insanis turbinibus furit veneus. Sil. Gubernare nauem in maximis turbinibus. Ci. Venti perflant terras turbine. Vir. Agens hyemem ruit æquote turbo. Vir. Rupto turbine consligunt venti. Vir. Turbo ac tempestas pacis & otij. Ci. The breaker and disturber of peace and quiernesse.Turbo lethi. Catul. The tempest and daunger of death.Mentis turbine agi.Ouid.To be in a furie or rage. Turbo.Stat.A whirlepople: a violent and great streame.Turbo rapax.Stat. Turbo. Sil. The roundel or winding of a serpent.Saxi turbo.Virg.The violente of a stone hurled.LibratÛ tereti versabat turbine fusum. Catul. She did spin: she made hir spindle turne round swiftly. Turbo. Tibul. A top that children play with.Torbo volians sub verbere turbo. Vir. Turbo. Pli. Any thing that is broade aboue and tharpe beneath.-buccina. Tortilis in latum quæ turbine crescit ab imo Ouid.Which wateth broder and broder to the end.