Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Trómb-a, s. f. dim. Trómb-étta, aug. Trómb-óne,
1. a trumpet, bugle; 2. a pump; 3. trunk of an elephant;4. proboscis of a musquito; 5. waterspout;6. a shell; 7. a trumpeter; 8. an auctioneer;9. a blab, tell-tale; 10. a hand-grenade. Vendere a suono di —, to sell by auction. — parlante, a speaking-trumpet; 11. (fig.) an epic poem. Pigliar la —, to divulge. Trombe Falloppiane, the Falopian tubes. Mala —, a bad, scandalous tongue.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
tromba: any Trump or Trumpet. Also a Sackbut. Also a leather trunke. Also apump in a Ship.