Trochlea, trochleæ, f. g. Cato. Lu. The pullcy wherein a cord runneth to draw any thing. Vide CHELONIA, chcloniorum. Trochleis pituitam adducere. Quint. With great reaching, as it were with a puiley, to fetch vp fleume.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
trochlĕa or troclĕa, ae, f. [contr. from troxali/a], a mechanical contrivance for raising weights, a case or sheaf containing one or more pulleys, a block, Vitr. 10, 2; Cato, R. R. 3, 5; Lucr. 4, 905.—Prov.: trochleis pituitam adducere, q. s. to draw up phlegm with a hoisting-tackle, i. e. to hawk violently, Quint. 11, 3, 56.