Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Trattá-re, v. a.
1. to treat of or about. — la pace, to treat about the peace, to negotiate about peace. — un matrimonio, to treat about a match; 2. to treat or handle, to discourse of or upon, to be upon, to devise or consult. — d'una materia, to treat of a subject. — il modo di fare una cosa, to devise, to consult the means how to bring any thing about. Questo libro tratta di filosofia, this book treats of philosophy; 3. to touch, to feel, to handle. — il fuso, to handle the spindle. Si tratta della vita, life is at stake. Si tratta di farlo morire, they are for taking his life. Non si tratta di questo, that is not the business in hand; 4. to give or provide meat and drink; 5. to treat, use, deal with. — uno da galantuomo, to treat one like a gentleman. Così si tratta coi pari miei? is this the way you treat gentlemen like me? s. m. Trattá-tóre,f. Trattá-tríce; adj. Trattá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
trattare: to treat, to entreat, to handle, to manage, to deale with, or vse a man. Also to parlie, to discourse, to negotiate, to descrihe or write of or vpon any matter. Also to manage, to order or see vnto. Also to practise, to contriue, to complot, or meddle with. Also to bargaine or condition.