Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Trascórr-ere, v. n. (V. correre,)
1. to run over, to pass over quickly, to touch a thing by the way. — un libro, to run over a book, to read cursorily. In tanto furor trascorse, he flew into such a passion; 2. to exceed the limits, to grow licentious; 3. to pass, spend, employ one's time; 4. (fig.) to escape; 5. to run away;s. m. Trascórr-itóre, f. Trascórr-itríce; adj. Trascórr-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
trascorrere: to run ouer, betweene or thorow out, to outrun. Also to quest or hunt too and fro as a Spaniell. Also to passe ouer quicklie with short or no mention at all. Also to peruse ouer in hest.