Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Torná-re, v. n.
1. to return or come back. Torniamo a casa, let us return home. — addietro,to go back; 2. to return, to come or become.L'uomo è fatto di terra, e in terra tornerà, men are made of dust, and they shall return to dust;3. to return or resume, to begin again. Torniamo al nostro discorso, let us resume our former discourse; 4. to turn, to tend to return, to redound. Ciò tornerà a vostro onore, that will turn to your honour; 5. to carry back again.Tornate questo libro nel suo luogo, carry again this book to its place. — alla memoria o nella mente, to call to memory, to remember, recollect, put in mind. Ma nella mente tornandosi chi egli era, but calling to memory who he was. — addietro, to revoke, recail, repeal, make void. Tu sia il ben tornato, welcome back. — in se,to come to one's self again. — una cosa in capo ad uno, to return, to reflect or fall upon. Tutto questo disordine vi tornerà il capo, all this confusion will fall heavy upon you, or will come home to you. Il conto non torna or non mi torna, the account is not right. — bene o nò, to be profitable or unprofitable. Questo negozio vi tornerà bene, you will find your account in this affair. — bene, to fit. Questo vestito vi torna bene, this coat fits you very well. — a mano, to be handy or commodious;6. to be profitable, advantageous, or available;7. to finish, become full; 8. to dwell, remain at an inn; 9. to bud again. — all'ossa, to restore to life. — al pentolino, to reduce to the original poverty. — indietro, to retrograde, fall back. — in grazia d'alcuno, to become reconciled to a person, be restored to favour;v. a. 1. to reconduct, remit; 2. to change one thing for another; 3. to restore; 4. — a dietro,to propagate the vine; 5. to deny, refuse; v. become changed; adj. Torná-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
tornare: to turne, to returne, to reuert, to come againe, to yeeld vnto againe.