Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Tógliere, tórre, tóllere, v. a. & n. (tolgo & toglio, togli, &c., pass. tol-si, -se, -sero, part. -to,)
1. to take, take hold of, seize. — via, to take away. — il cervello, to deprive of sense; 2. to perceive, discern; 3. to rob, steal, carry off;4. to deliver from danger, liberate, set free, save; 5. to dissuade, turn or divert from; 6. to undertake, try, endeavour; 7. to agree, consent to; 8. to hinder; 9. to welcome, receive, take; 10. to surround, enclose. Torre moglie, — per moglie, — in moglie, to marry. Tor marito,to marry, take a husband. Torre animo,to take courage. Torre cavalli, to hire horses. Torre una barca a nolo, to hire a boat. Tor su, to deceive, cajole, dupe. Torre a credenza,to buy upon credit. Torre a interesse, to take money upon interest. Torre a fitto, a pigione, &c., to hire. Torre di bocca, to anticipate, be beforehand with. Torre in pace, to suffer, bear patiently. Torre uno al cielo con laude,to laud a person to the skies. Torre di mira,to aim at. Torre di vita, to kill. Torre di sella, to unhorse. Tolga Dio, God forbid. Torre sangue, to bleed. Torre altrui del capo checchessia, to disabuse, undeceive; v. r. Torsi giù, to desist from, depart from. Torsi dinanzi ad altrui, to retire, take one's self off. Torsi d'addosso, to get rid of, send away. Torsi di colpa, to exculpate one's self. Toglietemivi dinanzi, get away, be off<42> s. m. toglitóre,f. toglitríce; adj. togliénte.
Tólta, s. f.
1. a taking or carrying away; 2. the thing taken away. Buona o mala —, a good or bad bargain. Esser — di alcuno, to be one's adherent; 3. a military contribution.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
togliere: to take, to receiue, to accept. Also to take away, to remcoue srom. Also to free from.