Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Toccá-re, v. a. & n.
1. to touch; 2. to touch, meddle with, handle, feel. Fatevi in là, non mi toccate, go further that way, don't touch me. Chi vi tocca? who meddles with you? 3. to strike or ring. La campana tocca il vespro,the bell rings for vespers. — la mano, to shake hands with one; 4. to ascertain; 5. to touch, reach a thing. È sì alto che tocca al soffitto, he is so tall that he touches or reaches the ceiling; 6. to drive, drive on. Tocca cocchiero!drive on, coachman! — i buoi, to drive oxen; 7. (met.) to touch, move, affect. Il suo discorso toccò l'animo di tutti, his discourse affected every one; 8. to touch upon a thing, to glance at it, to make slight mention of. — gli orecchi, to reach to one's ears; 9. to touch a thing, to take something out of it. Andammo via senza — alcuna cosa, we went away without touching any thing; 10. to happen, to chance, to fall out, to fall by lot; 11. to belong, to touch, to concern, to regard. Tocca al padre di gastigare i suoi figliuoli, it is the duty of a father to chastise his children. Questo negozio mi tocca strettamente, this affair touches or concerns me very much. A chi tocca a fare?who is to deal? Tocca a me, tocca a voi, I am to deal, you are to deal. Adesso tocca a voi a darci un brindisi, it is your turn now to give us a toast. — danari, to take or receive money. Non ho toccato dieci scudi in tutto'l giorno, I did not take ten crowns in all the day. — il tamburo, to beat a drum. — la tromba, to play upon the trumpet. — delle busse, to be beaten. — la corda, to undergo the rack or torture. — bomba, to run away, to betake one's self to one's heels. — il cielo col dito, to be happy, to live in clover. — le scritture, to alter a writing. — il polso, to feel the pulse. — l'ugola, to whet, flatter the appetite. — il cuore, to touch one's heart, to please mightily. — la fregola, to long for a thing, to have a great mind to; 12. to play upon an instrument; 13. to enjoy a woman; 14. (naut. t.) to strike or touch the ground. — in porto, (naut. t.) to touch at a port; 15. to take away, cut off. V. torre. — la vena, to bleed, to breathe a vein. — il ticchio, to take a fancy, — il cielo, to reach the heavens, to have one's prayers heard in heaven. Le tue preghiere hanno toccato il cielo, God has hearkened to our prayers. — sul vivo, to touch to thequick, to provoke. — la memoria, to have a good memory. Non — dove duole, nè motteggiar il vero, name not a rope in the house of him that hanged himself; s. m. Toccá-tóre, f. Toccá-tríce;adj. Toccá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
toccare: to touch, to feele. Also to hit, to ioyne close vnto. Also to touch, to write, to speake or mention any thing by the way. Also to smite, to strike. Also to guip or tante. Also to appertaine or belong vnto, to fall to ones lot.