[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: terra (data provider: donatus-sup), terre (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Térr-a, s. f. dim. Térr-étta, Térr-icciuóla, disp. Térr-áccia,
1. the earth. Il cielo e la —, heaven and earth. Il globo della —, the terrestrial or terraqueous globe, the earth. Abbassar gli occhi in —, to cast down one's eyes. Gittare in — l'armi, to lay down the arms; 2. earth, ground, soil. — di pentolajo, potter's earth or clay. Arare la —, to plough the ground. Coltivar la —, to till the ground. I frutti della —, the fruits of the earth. Vassellame di —, earthenware. La — di promessione, the land of promise, the Holy Land, Palestine. Gittare a —, to throw on the ground; 3. country, dominion, land. Tutta la —, the whole earth; 4. way, journey. Ci sarà malagevole d'andare cotanta — a piedi, we shall hardly be able to go a-foot so great a way; 5. a town, a walled town. — marina, a sea-port town; 6. the inhabitants of a town; 7. a coastor sea-coast, the shore; 8. estate, landed property.Una piccola —, a small landed property, a small estate. Navigar — —, andar — —, to sail along the coast, to coast along. — —, even with the ground, very low. Gli uccelli volano — —, the birds fly even with the ground. Cadere in piana — —, to fall upon the ground. Andare in piana —, to fall down. Pigliar —, to come ashore, to land, to cast anchor. — ferma, the firm land, the continent. Dare in —, (naut. t.) to run aground. Dare in —, to stamp with one's foot. Dare come in —, to strike or beat unmercifully. Non dare nè in cielo, nè in —, to do any thing at random or rashly. Andar per —, to fall down. Andare in —, to be ruined or undone. Prender —, to come ashore, to land. Smontare in —, —, to land. In piana —, upon the ground. Andar per —, camminar per —, to go by land. Tagliar fra due terre, to cut a tree as low as possible.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
terra: the element called earth. Also our generall mother the earth. Vsed also for the whole world. Also any earth, or ground, or land. Also any land, countrie, prouince, region, or soile. Also any particular citie, towne, borough, village, or hamlet. Also any Mannor, Lordship, Farme-house, free-hold, or copie-hold.