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Forms: termine (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Términ-e, Términ-o, s. m. dim. Términ-étto,
1. the term, bound, limit, end, goal. Il — della vita, the term of life. Far —, to make an end, to finish. Por — ad una lite, to make an end of a suit at law. Il mio negozio ebbe buon termine, my affair ended very well. Il — d'una corsa, the goal of a race, the winning-post of a racecourse;2. a term, a term of time, day, time.Dar — ad uno, to give one time. — dato, a fixed time or day; 3. day. Il — della partenza appressa, the day of our departure approaches. Vendere una cosa a —, to sell a thing for time; 4. term, case, state, pass, condition. Mentre le cose erano in questo —,whilst the state of affairs was such. In che — sono le cose? in what condition stand the affairs? how does the business go on? 5. degree, state, pitch, proportion. Oltre ad ogni — di ragione t'ho amata, I have loved you to the highest degree. Uscir de'termini, to be unreasonable or unjust; to go astray or out of the way, to be in an error, to mistake; 6. term, word. S'espresse in questi termini, he expressed himself in these words. — d'arte, a technical word, a term of art; 7. the god Terminus.Termini della luna, the phases of the moon.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
termine: the end or compasse of any thing, a tearme, a hound, a limit. Also a Meare-stone, a Land-marke, a signe declaring one mans land from another. Also an end, an ayme, a gole. Also a terme or state of being or time. Also a fit or stint of an ague.