[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: tempo (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Témp-o, s. m. dim. Témp-étto, aug. Témp-óne,
1. time.Passar il —, to pass the time away. Spender il — allo studio, to spend one's time in study. Perder il —, to lose one's time. Accomodarsi al —, to be a time-server. Col —, in time; 2. time, leisure. Non ho —, I have no time, I am not at leisure; 3. time, season, opportunity, occasion. Aspettar il —, to wait for an oppor-tunity. Il — è favorevole, this is a favourable opportunity; 4. time, season. Il — della raccolta,harvest-time. Il primo —, spring. Giovane —, the spring of the year; 5. time, age, days.Nel — del re Carlo primo, in the time of Charles the First. Un giovane del mio —, a young man of my age. Quanti travagli, lasso, ho sofferti nel mio —! alas! how many troubles have I undergone in my days! In quel —,in those times, in those days. Tempi calamitosi,troublesome, hard or bad times. Di notte —, in the night time; 6. age. Uomo di —,an aged man; 7. the menses. — degli oriuoli,the balance wheel of a clock or watch. A tempi, a —, timely, in due time, opportunely, in the nick of time. A —, in time. A — e luogo, in the proper time and place, seasonably. Esser a —, to be in time. Al —, in due time. Egli è buon —, it is a great while ago. Chi — ha, e — aspetta, — perde, time lost can never be retrieved. Un —, once on a time, formerly. Corre il —, to take the opportunity. Non è più —, it is too late. Per —,early, betimes. Di — in —, now and then, sometimes. Poco — appresso, a little time after. — fù, formerly, in former days, before. Di gran —, a long while ago. Dare pe'tempi,to sell upon credit. Darsi buon —, to live merrily, to take one's pleasure. Far, conceder —, to take time. Fare buon —, to be merry. — viene chi può aspettarlo, a little patience brings things to maturity. Ogni cosa doma il —, time conquers all things. Dar — al —, to wait a favourable opportunity; 8. the weather.Fa bel —, it is fine, fair weather. Fa cattivo —, it is bad weather. — nero, cloudy weather. Il — si racconcia, it grows fair weather again. Pervertire l'ordine del —, to commit anachronisms. A — a —, from time to time, now and then. Prender —, to take time, to temporize.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
tempo: time, the space of time, measure of motion, season, leasure, while. Also occasion, opportunitie or necessitie of the time present. Also the weather be it foule or faire, Bello tempo, faire weather, Cattíuo tempo, foule or ill weather. Also the monethly issues of women.