Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Temére, v. a.
1. to fear, dread, apprehend, be afraid of, stand in awe or in fear of. — Dio,to fear God. Temo di non potervi andare, I am afraid I shall not be able to go there. È da —, it is to be feared. Farsi —, to make one's self be feared; 2. to suffer. Il grano ha temuto molto quest'anno, corn has suffered much this year; 3. to fear, to value. Non temo le vostre minacce, I do not fear or do not value your threatenings. — il solletico. to be ticklish. Io non temo il solletico, I am not ticklish. Non — grattaticci, to be obstinate orresolute in one's purpose. Cavallo che teme lo sprone, a horse that cannot bear a spur.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English