[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: testa (data provider: donatus-sup), teste (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Tést-a, s. f. dim. Tést-icciuóla, Tést-ína, Tést-íno, aug.Tést-óna , Tést-óne, disp. Tést-áccia,
1. the head. Tagliar la — ad uno, to cut off a person's head, to behead. Far —, to make head against, oppose, resist. Ficcarsi in —, to fancy, take it into one's head. Esser di —, to be stubborn, headstrong. Fare una cosa di sua —, to do a thing out of one's own head. Pigliar una cosa a scesa di —, to be obstinate, stubborn, to be firmly resolved. Fare altrui un gran rumore in —, to chide, rebuke a person soundly, to reprimand severely. Andare colla — levata, to hold one's head high. Gridare a —, to cry or bawl out. Gridare in — altrui, to rebuke angrily. Tor la — altrui, to be troublesome, importunate. Darsi su per la —, to come to blows, to fall out. Lavar la — ad uno, to rebuke, reprimand severely. Ciò sarebbe un darsi la — contro un muro, one had as good beat one's head against a wall. Rompersi la — intorno a checchessia, to puzzle one's brains about a thing. Vino che monta alla —, strong heady wine; 2. head, person, a man, soul. Le teste coronate, crowned heads. L'uccisione fu si grande che non ne scampò —, the slaughter was so great that not a man escaped. Pagare un tanto per —, to pay so much a head; 3. head, front, first rank of a body politic or military. Essere alla — d'un negozio, to conduct an affair or business. Marciare alla — d'un esercito, to march at the head of an army;4. sense, wit, brains, intellect. Un uomo di buona —, a good headpiece, a man of good sense or intellect. Un uomo di —, a headstrong, obstinate man. Non saper dove un s'abbia la —, to have one's wits a wool-gathering;5. the heads or tops of trees, plants, &c.Una — d'aglio o di cipolla, a head of garlic or onions; 6. head, top. La — d'una pezza di panno, the head of a piece of cloth; 7. the head, from the eyes upwards. Gli saltò o venne in — un pensiero, he fancied, or a fancy took him. Che grillo v'è saltato in —? what whim is now come into your head? — d'imperadore, — lucchese, a strange, whimsical man; 8. a terracotta vase. — di vetro non faccia a'sassi, a glass head must not run against stone walls. — a —, tête-à-tête.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
testa: any head, skonce, pate, nole, or test, also a chiefe, a spring, or a beginning. Also a testerne, a lid or couer. Also a piece of broken bone, a shard of a pot, bricke or tile. Also any fish shell. Also the naue of a wheele. Also an earthen cup or gallie-pot, also a burnt tile or brick, it hath also beene vsed for a head-attire, or bead-garland.