Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Távol-a, s. f. dim. Távol-élla, Távol-étta, Távol-ína, Távol-inétto, Távol-íno,Távol-inúccia , Távol-inúccio, aug. Távol-óne, Távol-ótto,
1. plank, board; 2. table. — da mensa, a dining table. Metter —, to give dinners, keep open house, feast. Mettere a —, to serve up. Mettere la —, to lay the cloth. Levare la —, to take away the dinner things. — rotonda, a table d'hôte, an ordinary. Stare a —, to be at table. Uscir da —, to rise from or leave the table;3. counting house; 4. bank; 5. an altar-piece;6. a square plank. Giuoco di poche tavole, a short and easy undertaking. — ritonda, the knightly order of the round table; 7. tablebook, register. Le due tavole di Moisè, the two tables of Moses' law; 8. the table index (of a book); 9. criss-cross row; 10. table (of a diamond); 11. pl. tables. Tavole astronomiche,astronomical tables; 12. pl. wood-cuts; 13. a chess-board, backgammon-board. Giuocare a tutte tavole, to play at backgammon. — di lo, (naut. t.) the log-board. — di contrabordo, (naut. t.) the side plank; 14. pl. wainscoating, thin boards.