[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: tal (data provider: donatus-sup), tale (data provider: donatus-sup), tali (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Tále, pron. pl. tali, tai, ta, tagli, (obs.) such, like, the same as, as great as. — e —, this and that. Un —, a certain one, such a one. Il Signor —, Mr. Such a one. La Signora —,Mrs. So and so. Condursi, giugnere a —, to come to, arrive at such a state, pitch, &c.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
tale: such, such like, so or resembling. Also such a man, such a woman, or such a thing, A tále, so that. Also to that point or passe.