Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Tágli-o, s. m. pl. i, dim. Tágli-ettíno, Tágli-étto, Tágli-úzzo,
1. the edge or cutting part of a sword, or of any cutting instrument. — acuto, a sharp edge. Ferir di —, to wound with the edge of the sword. — morto, a blunt edge. Spada a due tagli, a two-edged sword. Riporre una cosa nel — della spada, to decide by force of arms;2. cutting, cut, wound made by a cut of the sword; 3. carnage, slaughter; 4. thing cut; 5. opportunity, occasion. Dare il —,to sharpen, set an edge. Venire al —, to cut, to cease, break off. Venire a —, to turn out well; 6. occasion, nature, quality; 7. proportion, stature, disposition of body. Bel — di donna, a fine woman. — d'abito, as much cloth as is necessary for a dress. — del martello,the claw of a hammer. Dare or vendere a —, to sell retail, by the slice, cut, or piece. Dare una cosa a —, to give a thing upon trial. — anatomico, anatomy, dissection. Nel poco parlare è ogni buon —, few words are best.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
taglio: any kind of cut, incision, gash, shred, slash, pinke. Also any piece, slice, shiue, collop, or scantlin cut off from any other thing. Also the sharpnesse, edge, or keenenesse of any toole or weapon. Also a forme, a fashion, a garbe, a frame, a fitnesse, a fitting, a suting, or squaring with ones qualitie or humor. Looke In táglio. Also good occasion, fit opportunitie, or conueniencie to doe any thing. Also the graine of any wood or timber. Also the wooll or graine of any cloth.