Super, Præpositio vtrique casui seruicns, accusatiuo & ablatiuo. vt Superaliquid assidere. Ci. Vpon: aboue: beyond: of: beside: moreouer. Super Garamantas & Indos proferet imperium.Virg.Hee shall aduance his empire beyonde, &c. Erant super mille. Suet. There were abous a thousande.Super octingentos annos.Tacit.Abone 800. yeares.Super triginta ducibus triumphalia ornamenta decernenda curauic. Suet. To thittie caplraines and aboue. Super hæc.Plin. iun.Moreouer than this.Super veteres amicos ac famillares, viginti sibi è numero Principum ciuitatis depoposcerat velut cõsiliarios in negotijs publicis. Suet. Ouer & aboue his olde friendes, &c.Super bellum annona premebat. Li. Ouer and beside war, they were grieued with dearth of victual. Gratias alijs super ahas epistolis agit.Plin. iun.With letters vpon letters he giueth thankes. Super cœnam.Plin. iun.At supper time.Super mensam. Curt. Being at the table.Supervinum & epulas. Curt. As they were drinking and banketting. Super se collocare aliquem. Sueton. To place one aboue himselfe.Qui cubabat super regem, &c. Curt. Which sate at the table aboue the king. Hac super re scribam ad te Rhegio.Cic.Of this matter.Sed super hac re nimis Cic. Nocte super media.Virg.More than halst the night. -hac mecum poteris requiescere nocte Fronde super viridi.Virg.Vpon.Gemina super arbore sidunt.Virg.Super gratiam esse.Salust.To surmonnt all thankes. Super, efficitur Aduerb. vbi casum desijt habere. Plant. Hinc arque hinc super, subterq: premor angustijs.Bothe abone and beneath.Et super è vallo prospectat. Virgil. And they looke downe out of the trench from an highe.Super qum quòd primò malè pugnauerat.Liui.Ouer and veside that, &c. Super somoum seruus. Curt. A chamberlaine. Hic accensa super.Virg.With these things shee beeing inslamed. De super, Vide DE præpositionem.
sŭpo (also sĭpo and suppo), āre, v. a., to throw, throw about, scatter: supat jacit, unde dissipat disicit et obsipat obicit, et insipat, hoc est inicit, Fest. p. 311 Müll.; cf.: supare significat jacere et disicere, id. s. v. prosapia, p. 225: obtorque prorim ac suppa tortas copulas, Att. ap. Non. 200, 33 (Trag. Rel. p. 180 Rib.).