[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: stella (data provider: donatus-sup), stelle (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Stéll-a, s. f. dim. Stéll-étta, Stéll-ína, Stéll-úzza,
1. a star.— Diana, the morning star; 2. (fig.) a very beautiful woman; 3. the planet Venus. Stelle Medicee, Jupiter's satellites. — nebulosa, a nebulous star. — cadente, a falling star. Stelle vaghe, erranti, wandering stars, planets. Stelle ferme, fixed stars. Sotto le stelle, upon earth. Andare alla prima —, to get up early. Passar le stelle, to be excellent, to excel; 4. star, constellation. Ei nacque a buona —, he was born under a lucky constellation; 5. destiny, fate. Tal fu mia —, e tal mia cruda sorte,such was my fate and my cruel destiny;6. that which resembles a star in its form; 7. a cross-road, crossway; 8. white spot in a horse's forehead; 9. the rowel of a spur. — dell'argano, the handle of a windlass; 10. (met.) a star, any celebrated person; 11. a composition of combustible matter, which being lighted shines like a star; 12. (fig.) the eye; 13. the name of several plants; 14. the starfish; 15. (naut. t.) the water way. Tempo a —, time well employed.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
stella: any chip or spelt, such as Carpenters make in hewing of timber.