Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Stáre, v. n. (V. dare,)
1. to be. Se così sta, if the thing be so. Come stanno le faccende? How goes business? 2. to consist. Nel mal parlare e nel male adoperare sta il peccato, sin consists in evil speaking and evil doing; 3. to stand, be placed, situated. La sua casa sta sur un colle, his house stands upon a hill; 4. to reside, inhabit, dwell, live. Dove state di casa? where do you live? 5. to be, to fare. Come state?how are you, how fares it? 6. to stand, stop, halt, cease from going. Io lo pregai che stesse,I begged him to stop; 7. to stand up, upright;8. to delay, tarry. Non istate molto, do not be long; 9. to cease, desist, abstain from; continue, last, endure; 11. to submit, refer. bow to. Io ne starò alla sentenza di chiunque vogliate, I shall submit or bow to the decision of any person you please; 12. to pass (speaking of time). Stando pochi giorni, a few days having passed; 13. to cost. Questo quadro mi sta più che non credete, this painting costs me more than you imagine; 14. to stand security, to answer for. Io ti sto io, che non puoi perder nulla, I am your security that you cannot lose any thing; 15. V. fruttare, rendere; 16. to be one's turn, one's duty. Sta a voi a giuocare, it is your turn to play. Sta a voi a difendermi, it is your duty to defend me; 17. (geom. t.) to be in equal proportion. Stare,joined with infinitives by the preposition a, adds grace, but does not alter their meaning. Io sto ad ascoltare, I listen. Stare, joined with infinitives by the preposition per, means to be on the point of. Sto per partire, I am on the point of setting off. Stà per morire, he is at the point of death. Stare in sul before infinitives, besides having the same meaning as the preceding phrase, signifies also, to take delight in a thing. — in sulla caccia, to be fond of hunting. Stare, before participles present, means to be. Egli sta leggendo, mangiando, parlando, he is reading, eating, speaking. Stare, joined with adjectives, means to be, to stand. Star fermo, to be firm, to stand still. — bene, to be in good health; to be well off. Stare before substantives, V. the substantives. Stà, stop, cease, hush. Fare — uno, to keep one in awe, to compel him to do his duty. Lasciar —, to let alone. Lasciatemi —, let me alone, be quiet. — fresco, to be in a mess, to be in for it. O povero me, ora sto fresco, Oh dear me, now I am in for it. — sopra pensiero, to be absent in mind. — sulle sue, to be proud, stiff. — con le mani alla cintola, or con le mani in mano, to be idle. Vi sta bene, it serves you right. Quest'abito vi sta bene, this coat is a good fit.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
stare: or stétti, státo, to stand, to stay. Also to dwell, to abide or remaine. Also to lye, to be, to doe, to relie, to endure, to consist. Also to be fit, to be conuenient, to become, to be scemely, &c. Looke the vnder written phrases, as also Fáre stáre.