Sensus, huius sensus, m. g. Pli. Sense: feeling: perceiuing: that one thinketh or hath conceiued in mind: the sense or meaning of any writing.Ex sensibus aote cætera homini tactus, deinde gustus. Plin. Omnis sensus hominum multo antecellit sensibus bestiarum.Cic.Cassa sensu simulachra. Lucr. Images voide of sense.Nullus in te sensus humanitatis.Cicer.There is no sense of curtesle in you, or no sparke of gentlenesse. Accensi sensus. Lucr. Linely senses.Acerrimus sensus, Vide ACER adiect.Integer sensus.Cic. Nitidi sensus. Claud. Timor abstulitmihi omnem sensum.Ouid.Greate feare tooke all sense and feeling from one.Accendere sensus, Vide ACCENDO.Sensum ac vocem auribus accipere miserorum. Quint. To giue eare vnto the miseties that wretched men suffer.Affici sensu doloris.Cic.Corpus affluit sensu. Lucret. The sense of feeling is in all the body.Amittere sensum humanitatis. Oui. To leese al sense of gentlenesse.Auertere sensus infandos non sani pectoris. Se. To putte away a micked fantaste conceiued in the minde.Capere sensus. Lucr. To receiue the power of feeling and other senses.E pectore attonito cesserunt sensus. Lucan. Credere sensibus. Lucret. To beleeue his senses.Deducere sensum mÊbris. Luc To take away sense from, &c.Deperdere vitalem sensum membratim. Lucr. Iucundo sensu fruatur mens. Lucret. Lette the minde enioye pleasantuesse or delectation.Sensus & consilium sugiunt cum re.Ouid.Hee that leeseth his goodes, leeseth his sense and wit.Haurite sensibus. Claud. Sensus inest formicis. Plin. Intendere sensus ad res percipiendas.Cic.Labefactantur sensus. Lucr. Lædere sensus. Lucr. Obstruere sensus. Plin. Orbare sensibus.Cic.Pellunt sensum vox & sonus. Lucr. Præbere sensum & materiam malis.Ouid.To giue matter and occasion to feele his euslles.Reconslatur sensus. Luc. The sense taketh strength againe.Reducere sensum. Claud. To come to himselse againe.Vitalem reddere sensum. Lucr. To giue lifs againe.Titillare sensus. Lucret. Vti sensibus. Lucre. Sensus.Cic.The conceice of our minde.Manus ministra sensus Ouid.The hande serueth to declare in writing that the minde conceineth.Ego illius sensum pulchrè calleo.Terent.I knowe his will and fantasie iolily well.Arcanus sensus.Virg.Sensus communis. Quin. The naturall perceiuing & iudgement that al men haue.Carere communi sensu. Hor. To be as a beast without that sense and ceason that al men hane. Sensus communis. Quint. The iudgement and knowledge of things by common experience of the worlde.Discere sensum communem. Quin. To learne the commonvnderstanding of experience.Permodestus sensus.Tacit.Vnus sensus bonorum omnium. Ci. Al good men are of one opinion.Vulgarissimi sensus. Quint. Ad meum sensum. Vide A D præpositionem. Abstrahere sensu mentis, Vide ABSTRAHO.Quem accepi ipse oculis, animoq sensum. huncverè apud vos exponam. Ci. That whiche I haue seene and conceyued in my minde.Conuertere se ad sensum alterius, Vide CONVERTO.Varios sensus expromit aoimus Lucret.The minde vttereth diuers conceits and imaginatious.Fateri alicui suos sensus.Ouid.To confesse to one the conceit of his minde.Gerere sensus abditos. Sen. Iudico de meo sensu. Cice. A falso sensu orta ratio. Lucr Reason proceeding of the salse iudgement of the senses.Ostendere sensum suum. Plau. To declare his wil or mind.Remota sensibus nostris natura deûm. Lucret. Nature diuine cannot be perceiued by out senses, or is beyonde the reach of our senses.Suffugere sensum res dicitur. Lucre. That cannot be percei. ned by mans senses.