Scythia, A great cauntrey, whiche is deuided with the riuer Tanais, and stretcheth into the east, so that one part thereof is in Europa, the other in Asia, and hath on the south parte Sacas and Sogdianos, people vnder the king of Persta: and on the north part, be countreys vnknown and desert: and is now vnder the dominion of the gret Cane of Cathay. The people of this Counerey are descrined to be cruell, sauage, and wilde. They vsed no boundes of their gromide. For they neither husuanded their land, nor occupied any priuate house. Setled place of abyding they had none: but with their wiues and child: en wandrcd from place to place tho ldernesses, driuing droues of beastes before thÊ, by specially they liued. Their wagons, wherein they caried their wines and children, being couered with leather, in winter and tempestuons weathering serued them for houses. Iustice naturasly and not by law they muche esteemed and vsed. For no offence was so grieuous among them as their. Golde and filuer they as much despised, as other countreys greedily destred. They fed most on milk and houie, and as for wool and cloth, or the vse of apparaile they knew not. They were called Scythæ, of Scythes, one of Hercules soe.
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