Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Sáss-o, s. m. dim. Sáss-atéllo, Sáss-éllo, Sáss-ettíno, Sáss-étto,Sáss-icéllo , Sáss-olinétto, Sáss-olíno, Sáss-uólo, aug. Sáss-óne, disp.Sáss-áccio ,
1. every kind of stone; 2. stone, pebble;3. mountain, rock; 4. (poet.) a stone sepulchre;5. blow with a stone. Rimanere di —, to be petrified with wonder or fear.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
sasso: any kind os rugged stone. Also a stone rocke, crag or cliffe. Also a kind of torment vsed anciently in Rome, mentioned by Tacitus.