Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Rótta, s. f.
1. breaking, the act of breaking; 2. a rout, defeat, overthrow. Mettere in —, to rout, defeat; 3. disorder, confusion. Fuggire in —, to fly or run away. Partire alla — or in —, to go away in anger; 4. rupture, breaking.Far la — ad un muro, to break a wall. Venire alle rotte, to come to blows. Restare alle rotte, to grow angry. Far —, to sail, set sail.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
rotta: a rupture, a breach, a bracke, a fracture, a breaking. Also a rout, a discomfiture or ouerthrow of an armie.