Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Riuscíre, v. n. (V. uscire,)
1. to succeed, come to pass, to succeed well, to thrive or prosper, to come to a good issue, to end well; 2. to become;3. to come out again. — in un luogo, to lead, conduct to. Questa strada riesce al giardino,this street leads to the garden; 4. to despatch, expedite, make an end. — d'una cosa, to part with a thing; 5. to conclude, come to a conclusion, to aim at, to come to; 6. to be useful;7. to satisfy. — sventuratamente, to turn out unfortunately; v. r. — d'una cosa, to get rid of a thing.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
riuscire: to sort, to prooue, to speed, or come to passe and effect.