Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ritorn-áre, v. n.
1. to return or go back; 2. to come back; 3. to retrograde; 4. to grow, become.Ritorniamocene a casa, let us return home. Vi ritornerò domattina, I'll go there again to-morrow morning. — alla fede Cristiana, to come back to the Christian religion. — bello, to grow fine again. — in vita, to come to life again. — in se, to come to one's self again; v. a. 1. to return, restore, give or take back again; 2. to aid, assist. — il piede, to return back. — uno in pace con un altro, to reconcile; s. m.Ritorn-itóre , f. Ritorn-itríce; adj. Ritorn-ánte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English