Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ripórre, v. a. (V. porre,)
1. to replace, to put or set again; 2. to put, set, place; 3. to bury;4. to hide, conceal; 5. to plant or set again;6. to make up again, restore, rebuild or build again; 7. to reckon, put in the number; 8. to shut, lock up, in order to preserve. — danaro,to transmit money through the medium of exchange, to save up money; v. r. to hide one's self. Andare a —, to yield. — a far checchessia,to set about a thing.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
riporre: to set, to put, to lay or place againe in his place. Also to lay vp or set aside safely or for another time.