Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Rimétte-re, v. a. (V. mettere,)
1. to put, place, set in its place again. — la spada nel fodero,to put the sword into the scabbard; 2. to diminish;3. to remit, pardon, forgive; 4. to commit, entrust with. Mi rimetto nelle vostre mani, I put or commit myself into your hands;5. to repel, beat back; 6. to return, restore;7. to put up horses in a stable; 8. to remit money or bills of exchange; 9. to curb, restrain.— in ordine or in sesto, to replace in order, rearrange. — il conto, to give an account. — mano, to begin again. — in taglio,to sharpen again. — il taglio ad un rasojo, to set a razor. — una cosa in uno, to refer or leave a thing to another's judgment. Mi rimetto al giudizio vostro, I leave it to your judgment. — le guardie, to change guard. — l'uscio ne'gangheri, to place things as they were. — in uso, to bring into use; v. n. to grow, burgeon, shoot forth, bud again; v. r. 1. to refer to, submit one's self; 2. to desist, give up; 3. to recover health or wealth; 4. to rally (as an army). — in carne, to grow fat again;adj. Rimétte-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
rimettere: to remit, to pardon, to forgiue, to acquit. Also to put ouer to another, to defer, to prorogue, to refer. Also to commit or set or lay vp in some place Also to send backe againe. Also to slacken, or let loose. Also to bud or burgeon forth againe as yoong plants doe. Also to supply any want or defect. Also to refer or commit to ones charge and trust.