Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ricercá-re, v. a.
1. to seek again, to look for a second time; 2. to search or inquire into or after; 3. to demand, to ask, to require, to request;4. to require. Ciò ricerca molto tempo,that requires a great deal of time; 5. to go about on all sides; 6. to want, need. — la quintessenza d'una cosa, to wish to know a thing thoroughly. — le corde d'uno strumento, to prelude on an instrument, to play; s. m.Ricercá-tóre , f. Ricercá-tríce; adj. Ricercá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
ricercare: to search or inquire againe. Also to require or sue for.