Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ris-trígnere, Ris-tríngere, v. a.
1. to restrain, constrain, compress, hamper; 2. to straighten, tighten, bind together; 3. to unite, join; 4. to curl, confine, shut up; 5. to bind, constipate.— la briglia, to tighten the reins. Quel cibo ristringe il ventre, that food binds the bowels, constipates; v. r. to shrink, get narrow, shrivelled. — nello spendere, to economise. — nelle spalle, to shrug up one's shoulders. — con uno, to get intimate with a person. — a dire, to merely say, to confine one's self to saying.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
ristrignere: to restraine, to straine hard, to bend, to enclose or shut vp, to immure, to imprison, to bar of liberty. Also to shrug or crinch ones shoulders.