Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Rispónd-ere, v. n. & r. (pass. rispo-si, Rispónd-se, Rispónd-sero, &c., part. risposto,)
1. to answer, reply; 2. to answer, correspond, make a suitable return;3. to make an exchange; 4. to succeed ill or well; 5. to convince; 6. to listen to, give ear to. — al pagamento, to pay at the time fixed;7. to look, to face, front, be situated opposite to. Questa finestra risponde al giardino, this window looks into the garden; 8. to obey, be obedient; 9. to answer for, stand security;10. to yield, submit. — a tuono, to be in tune. — del or di sì, to say "Yes." — delor di nò, to refuse, deny; s. m. Rispónd-itóre, f. Rispónd-itríce.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
rispondere: or spósto, to answer, to giue answer. Also to be correspondent or answerable vnto. Also to appeere or answer when one is called. Also to answer, to promise or vndertake as a surety for another. Also to be or stand front or right ouer against. Also to answer or make a report as doeth a piece shot off. Also to be proportionable vnto. Also to be seated toward, to answer or looke toward as a way, a window or situation.