Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Rénd-ere, v. a. (pass. re-si, Rénd-se, Rénd-sero, part. reso,)
1. to render, restore, return, give back again, repay; 2. to render, make. La musica mi rende allegro, music makes me gay; 3. to pay, give the equivalent for; 4. to transfer,remit; 5. to signify, represent, show; 6. to attribute;7. to yield, produce; 8. to surrender, yield; 9. to explain, translate. — l'appetito,to provoke the appetite. — ben per male, to return good for evil. — testimonianza, to witness. — buon odore, to smell well. — conto,to give an account. — frutto, to yield fruit. — grazie, to thank. — onore, to honour. — il cambio, to requite, render like for like, to be even with one. — il saluto, to return a salute. — cenno, to make a sign. — certo, to be certain or sure. — lume, to give light. — l' anima il fiato or lo spirito, to give up the ghost, to die. — ragione, to give an account. Non ho nessuno a chi — ragione, I have nobedy to control me. — versi per versi, to answer directly and to the purpose. — voce a voce, to answer exactly. — diletto, to please. — merito, to make amends for. — capace, to convince. — la penna, to write. Questa penna rende grosso, this pen writes thick. — sospetto, to render suspected. — avvertito, to let one know. — facile, to facilitate. — gravida,to get with child. — fama, to immortalize, render immortal. — forte, to fortify, make strong. — aria, to resemble. — fede,to testify. — pan per focaccia, to render like for like, to give tit for tat. — ragione, to administer justice; to give an account; to justify one's self; to pay the penalty; v. r. 1. to go;2. to yield, submit; 3. to show one's self. — monaco, to become a monk. — sicuro, to think one's self safe; s. m. Rénd-itóre, f. Rénd-itríce; adj. Rénd-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
rendere: or rendéi, réso, or rendúto, to render, to restore, to repay, to yeeld.